It's all about performance
International Reading Association

Find the resources you need to take your school's performance to the next level.

Find the resources you need to take your school's performance to the next level.

Student performance. Teacher performance. School performance. Every year the expectations are higher and the cuts are deeper. But the missing link between expectation and execution becomes how to improve the quality of literacy instruction when budget cuts have left you with fewer teachers and little or no funding for their professional development.

That's where the International Reading Association can help. At IRA, we've recently expanded our membership benefits to include a variety of online content and support that will give you and your teachers the resources you need to take your school's performance to the next level—despite the challenges of the current economy.

For as little as $29, you can join the International Reading Association and receive immediate access to exclusive content from the leaders of the literacy field in our Members-Only web area and a 24/7 lifeline to Engage—IRA's exciting new social media community.

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Check out these links to see FREE samples of the vital resources you're missing...
Exclusive content for members only Access to the leading peer-reviewed journals of the literacy field

You can add one or more of IRA's journals to your membership. Here's a sample article from the latest issues of The Reading Teacher and the Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy

Plus upcoming content on Engage—launching May 2, 2011!

For less than 8 cents a day for online members, can you afford not to have access to resources like these? Join IRA today!

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All IRA Members Receive...
  • Members-only access to Engage, IRA's professional networking site for literacy educators
  • Exclusive content in our Members-Only web area
  • IRA Inspire, our monthly e-newsletter
  • Reading Today, our bimonthly newspaper
  • Savings of up to $110 on registration for our Annual Convention
  • 20% discount on all of IRA's books and videos

It's time to take the next step toward improving your school's performance... Join IRA today...and encourage your teachers to join with you.

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